The Ozone Hole – It’s still there and needs help: The gaping upper atmospheric hole over the Antarctic, famously known as the “ozone hole” may be able to repair itself in about half a century or so, but some experts say it’s still fragile and needs our attention. – The Daily Galaxy

Now That’s Festival Food: Goodbye hot dogs, pizza and cola – hello mango/chamomile soup, organic kettle corn and organic sweet iced tea. Perhaps the greenest part of last weekend’s Austin City Limits festival was not in the carbon offsetting or the banning of styrofoam, it was the food. – Treehugger

US Billboard Industry Greens Up-Ads: The American billboard industry is making moves to become more energy efficient, The Wall Street Journal reports. Some 170,000 billboards, nearly all of them made from PVC, line expressways around the country. – Environmental Leader

How green is your coffee? Let me just start by saying this is not a misplaced St. Patty’s day post. By “green” I mean environmentally conscious. Do you buy a cup of joe every morning on your way to work? Well there are a few ways to make your daily dose of caffeine have a smaller carbon foot print. – FitSugar

Maccas “tries” to go green: McDonalds, an institution more commonly known for its poor environmental policies and damage to the planet is trying to ‘green-up’ its image by using waste from its restaurants to generate power. – HippyShopper