If we use Newspoll for our polling data, and the Westpac/Melbourne Institute Consumer Sentiment Index for our consumer confidence data, we’ve got a reliable set that goes back to 1985.

Between 1985 and 1993, there was a strong and significant relationship between government political support and consumer sentiment. We can see that with a simple line chart and  scatterplot with regression line for that period’s data:


However, as the economic recovery of the ’90s gathered pace, the strength of the relationship started to weaken. If we do the same thing again, but this time for 1994-2010 data, what we see is no relationship at all.


The relationship didn’t suddenly stop in 1994, it started to subside at about 1.3% a month in strength, so by 2001 the relationship had pretty much ceased to exist — which is where we find ourselves today.

Statistically, at least, anyway.

What is weird is that since 2007 there has actually been a strong, significant, opposite relationship where as consumer sentiment goes up, the government vote goes down — but it’s too soon to tell if that actually represents some real world effect or if it’s just one of those weird statistical artifacts that can pop up in sub-samples some times.