A judge has now thrown out the legal challenge filed by pro-Clinton members of the local Teachers Union to ban casino workers from taking part in Saturday’s Nevada caucuses in “at-large” precincts set up in their workplaces, (set up to make it easier for them to vote while they’re working).  But in light of the Culinary Workers Union’s endorsement of Obama, critics say that the Clinton camp quietly supported the lawsuit by not denouncing it, and charge first lady in waiting Bill Clinton with defending it. The Nation‘s been running hard on the issue, saying “creating obstacles to voting is what the GOP does to Democrats, not what Democrats should be doing to other Democrats.”:

Shutting down the Hispanic vote: Both Democrats and Republicans are good at practicing hypocrisy when they need to. But it’s still breathtaking to see how some Democrats ignore that it was only last week they argued before the Supreme Court that an Indiana law requiring voters show ID at the polls would reduce voter turnout and disenfranchise minorities. Nevada allies of Hillary Clinton have just sued to shut down several caucus sites inside casinos along the Las Vegas Strip, potentially disenfranchising thousands of Hispanic or black shift workers who couldn’t otherwise attend the 11:30 a.m. caucus this coming Saturday. — John Fund, The Wall Street Journal

Bill “attack dog” Clinton backs the challenge: In recent weeks, the former president has done just about everything to get his wife elected, including taking on Barack Obama in strikingly negative and personal language… As Hillary attempted to disassociate herself from a lawsuit in Nevada, filed by allies of Clinton in the local Teachers Union, that threatens to prevent thousands of casino workers from voting at caucus sites set up on the Vegas strip, Bill endorsed the lawsuit, saying it favored one group of workers, namely those from the Culinary Workers Union who endorsed Obama, over others.The Nation

Anti-Clinton ad, brought to you in Spanish: “Hillary Clinton does not respect our people,” the ad says in Spanish (original and Clinton campaign translation after the jump), referring to the lawsuit that failed today to shut down special caucus sites on Las Vegas’ strip. “Hillary Clinton is shameless.” — Ben Smith, Politico blog

But Obama’s not squeaky clean: Sen. Barack Obama regales audiences with his plans to make government more transparent. He seems to take particular joy in describing his idea to negotiate a health care bill on C-SPAN so the public could scrutinize the process. But when it comes to his presidential fundraisers, Obama hasn’t effortlessly thrown open the door. — Politico

Visionary or minimalist?: Barack Obama is widely regarded as a visionary because of his emphasis on “change” and his soaring rhetoric, but he also has strong minimalist tendencies. In his victory speech in Iowa, Obama went out of his way to say that it is time for a president who will “listen to” those who disagree, and also “learn from” them. In The Audacity of Hope, he asks for a politics that accepts “the possibility that the other side might sometimes have a point.” In a crucial passage, he refers to “the middle-aged feminist who still mourns her abortion, and the Christian woman who paid for her teenager’s abortion.” In this way, he suggests that across one of the nation’s least tractable divides, Americans have far more in common than we tend to think. — Cass R. Sunstein, former colleague of Obama at University of Chicago, The New Republic

Meanwhile, in GOP gossip, can McCain cement the vote and end the uncertainty? He’s inching above Huckabee in South Carolina,and Michigan winner Mitt Romney seems to be ignoring the state entirely:

McCain the main man: Republicans across the country appeared to be trying to coalesce around McCain and end the uncertainty about the GOP nominee once and for all. The race could be aptly described now as Romney’s fight to prevent this from happening. His victory in Michigan was the first step toward this end. The next steps will be difficult and complicated, and Romney may need help from other candidates such as Mike Huckabee. — David Freddoso, National Review Online

Mac’s wooing the establishment in SC: Once the outsider, McCain is now the insider in South Carolina.
After months of campaigning as the insurgent — a role he relishes and one that aided his comeback in New Hampshire — McCain now finds himself as the closest thing to the state’s establishment candidate. In South Carolina, McCain today holds a consistent but fragile lead over his nearest competitor, Mike Huckabee. — Politico

Huckabee on a shoestring: The demands of logistics, policy, press and fund raising are swamping a campaign powered by an inner circle with little experience. Thin policy positions, an unorganized press operation and a lack of long-term planning have all posed problems. — Laura Meckler, The Wall Street Journal

Romney’s Michigan strategy won’t translate to SC: Romney, the Harvard M.B.A. and longtime venture capitalist, has always been more comfortable talking about economics and solutions than social issues or foreign policy. With its punishing 7.4% unemployment and its automobile industry in a tailspin, Michigan was as friendly an environment as he was likely to find. It is one of only two states in the country that lost population last year, as job seekers fled elsewhere, and the only one in the country with a shrinking gross domestic product. — Time

Oh, and Jenna Bush is getting married: Jenna Bush and her fiancé Henry Hager will marry in a ceremony on May 10, two sources confirm to PEOPLE. One of the sources says the wedding will be held at the president’s ranch in Crawford, Texas. “It’s going to be a small wedding,” the source tells PEOPLE, adding that Jenna has already selected her bridesmaids. “She’s very excited. They make a great couple.” People Magazine