By Christian Kerr

So David Marr is becoming a regular on ABC TV’s Sunday morning Insiders. What will the other media David – Flint – have to say about that? Flint recently showered Insiders host Barrie Cassidy with praise in The Australian, referring to Cassidy’s “skill” and “courage” and going on like this:

“Recall Cassidy’s brave remarks on commercial TV about the ABC’s almost deranged attempt to impose an extraordinary dose of political correctness after 9/11: ‘At the ABC, a memo went out about a week ago to all radio commentators that they were not to say anything derogatory about the Taliban… So here I am on Channel 10, I can say that the Taliban execute women for adultery. They’ve been known to throw acid in the face of young girls who don’t wear veils and so on. I can get it off my chest on Channel 10 but I can’t say it on the ABC.’ ”

Marr, in contrast, was “theatrical”. Indeed, the article’s introduction read: “The ideologically driven Media Watch should be more like the fair and balanced Insiders.” Will Flint now withdraw his imprimatur?