The results of the Miss Maud Coffee Bean Poll are in, hot off the percolator – and we could be in for a long Saturday night and Sunday morning waiting to see how Western Australia swings the election.

More than 33,000 West Australians have indicated their preference in the poll in Miss Maud coffee houses and restaurants across Perth. The Coalition leads, but will Greens preferences carry Labor over the line? Look at the results. It could be close:

  • Coalition 44.8% (Liberal 42.0%, Nationals 2.8%)
  • Labor 36.0%
  • Greens 10.6%
  • Others 5.2%
  • Democrats 3.4%

The Miss Maud polls have called all the federal and WA elections correctly since its instigation in 1996.

So, if it’s going to be a long, late night waiting for the results to come in from the West, here’s a very suitable song to fit the mood:

I’m talking to the shadows
from one o’clock till four
And Lord, how slow the moments go
When all I do is pour
Black coffee

STOP PRESS: In late breaking new, Krispy Kreme Election Sweetener Poll has come down strongly in favour of the Original John over Sprinkles Kev07, the Greenies and Lemoncrats.