Yesterday Bernard Keane blamed this piss-weak election campaign on you.

Judging by the website comments under Keane’s story, not all of you bought it. Including Mr Denmore:

… We’re suffering from bad and lazy journalism. There are no grumpy chiefs of staff anymore sending back reporters’ copy with the line ‘well what did you expect them to say, sonny’?

We have a total absence of decent policy debate because the media and our political leaders insist on treating the population like idiots — and because the people who advise the politicians are wet-behind-the-ears half-trained former journalists with no experience of the world.

Keane’s having another bite of the cherry today. Presumably lines such as “we’ve outsourced running the country because we’re too busy” will prompt more responses telling him to rack off and take some responsibility.

Because many of you remain convinced it’s the media’s fault. Including this commenter, buried down the bottom of the story — the mysterious, and yet appropriately named, Rupert:

Maybe we get the governments we deserve; I’m not sure we got the media we deserve. At least we can vote out governments.