Victorian State Election 2010: Bentleigh
Electorate: Bentleigh
Margin: Labor 6.3%
Upper house region: Southern Metropolitan
Federal: Hotham/Goldstein
Click here for Victorian Electoral Commission map
The candidates
MILLER, Elizabeth
Electorate analysis: Bentleigh covers southern Melbourne suburbs east of the Nepean Highway and west of Warrigal Highway, from Bentleigh west to Coatesville and south to Wishart. It was created in 1967 and changed hands from Liberal to Labor in 1979, to Liberal in 1992 and back to Labor in 2002, when Rob Hudson unseated sitting member Inga Peulich with a 6.8 per cent swing. Hudson did well to further increase his margin by 1.6 per cent at the 2006 election. A member of the Socialist Left faction, Hudson had previously been head of the Victorian Council of Social Service and social policy adviser to Steve Bracks. He has held various parliamentary secretary positions since the 2006 election. The Liberal candidate is Elizabeth Miller, a “product specialist” whose CV includes clinical nurse consultant and account manager for medical businesses.
Analysis written by William Bowe. Read William’s blog, The Poll Bludger.