OK. I’ve been at Crikey for a while and most mornings I peruse the newspapers of this fine country finding snippets that I think are funny, stupid, brilliant, may contain traces of crocodiles — or a combination of all — in the aim of adding to the rich texture of the “Media Briefs” section in the daily Crikey email.

This is done mostly as an anonymous contribution, but before it makes it’s way into the email I send a little email around to Crikey’s in-house editorial team for their benefit — titled, ridiculously, “Leigh Josey’s Morning Media Mauling.”

Anyway, Crikey website editor Luke Buckmaster wanted me to start blogging my daily findings with the aim of starting a daily record. So here  it is, with all the wonder that stories about crocs and UFOs and vox pops bring…

First Ablett, then Bomber, now KFC… just when the good burghers of Geelong thought that it couldn’t get any worse …

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And what do the people think? By people, we mean 12 year old McDonald’s employees…

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My love for the NT News know no bounds… And this is why! Territorians, don’t go into the CBD this summer! A lovely Jurassic Park-esque front page to start the week:

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You call that a tabloid? This is a tabloid. Alas, the NT News still has a way to go to match it with the great NY Post

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First Dog on the Moon on the campaign trail #1. Crikey‘s beloved cartoonist is out and about promoting his book The Story of The Christmas Story. Here’s the cut out of Saturday’s The Age:

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Newspaper pic of the day: From the NT News sports section. Are they some sort of geranium underpants your would grandmother wear?

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