Date: 1972-08-22 09:09
Cold War call from Iran for more fighter
Key point: Iranian Minister for War calls for the accelerated delivery of one squadron of F-4 fighter jets to use against the Soviets and Iraq. The shah of Iran (the king), is worried about the strengthening Soviet presence and influence over the Middle East, particularly its friendship with Iraq, and demands more air power to fight this. US will increase production of F-4s and will send an additional 16 F-4s, in order to maintain the critical relationship between the two nations. The US closed its Iranian embassy after the 1979 revolution.
Dispatch: ““Shah is again turning to USG (US government) because in periods of anxiety Shah feels he can look to us for cooperation and he hopes that US as reliable friend will find chance be responsive on matter he considers important and vital to Iran’s security. Thus USG consideration of request must recognise that decision involves unusual degree of political importance related to fabric of USG-GOI (government of Iran) relations. Decision should also not overlook or underestimate importance of Iran for vital US interests.”
