Sorry to break your reverie Bishop.

“The cardinal and I were otherwise occupied last night enjoying the youth festival so we didn’t see the Lateline story. All I’ve seen is the reports in the newspapers today.”

It seems the co-ordinator of World Youth Day, Bishop Anthony Fisher, has a daily reading habit that extends beyond the News Ltd press.

Only the Fairfax papers carried the yarn. The official organ of WYD08, The Australian, ignored it. “Parents fly in to confront Pell”, was the headline in The Age ; the small matter of a father who claims now-Cardinal George Pell frustrated his claim for compensation after the r-pes of his primary school daughters by priest Kevin O’Donnell.

But really, best ignored, says Bishop Fisher.

“Happily, I think most of Australia was enjoying [and] delighting in the beauty and goodness of these young people and the hope for us doing these sorts of things better in the future, as we saw last night, rather than dwelling crankily, as a few people are doing, on old wounds.”

Cranky. Daughters r-ped by a priest? Get over it. They just don’t get it, do they?