Introducing a new index of economic performance, The Australian Financial Review Doom and Gloom Headline Indicator (AFRDGHI). Wanting a clue to the current health of the global and domestic economies? Read these (all from today’s slim AFR analogue edition) and weep:

Dividends chopped as boards face up to hard times

China slump heightens export fears

Red tape hurts $100bn energy projects

Stormy reception for BlackBerry

Law firms’ staff feel the pinch

Evidence of slowdown keeps growing

Slump heightens export fears

Hu warns of much worse to come

Korea’s grim exports send dire signal

Worst fall in Japan’s domestic car sales in 34 years

Chinese index plunges to new depths

Economic reality dooms local Glamour launch

Falling MIS sales fell payout

China data paints a grim picture

From feast to famine as companies put off floats

Dividends chopped in hard times

AMP taxes axe to another 206 staff

Middle east metropolis feels the heat

Asia’s workers feel the pain

Forced sellers will keep prices falling

We can probably assume things are crook.