Crikey has sifted through the avalanche of Super Tuesday coverage for a little light relief. Out of the nationwide, 24 hour media blitz we’ve plucked some supermodels, Stevie Wonder, Oprah, Hillary’s coughing fit, an intriguing email from Chelsea, McCain’s bad stand-up act and some old Jimmy Carter ads. So here it is: Super Tuesday without the boring bits:

Hillary does Hallmark: Last night, six-pack of Shotz and tub of buttered popcorn at hand, I kicked back in the La-Z-Boy and flipped to the Hallmark Channel, hopeful of seizing a rare opportunity to catch A Season for Miracles, the 1999 made-for-TV movie starring Carla Gugino as a woman who generously abducts the children of her drug-addled sister. Readers who count themselves connoisseurs of the Hallmark Hall of Fame franchise can easily imagine the distress I felt upon seeing that Miracles had been pre-empted by an infomercial — Hillary Rodham Clinton’s Voices Across America: A National Town Hall. — Troy Patterson, Slate

I just called to say vote Obama: Dewds, here’s a great voting advertisement; I just received a pre-recorded (natch) phone call from STEVIE WONDER saying that he called to say he “loves me” and that I should vote for Barack Obama. Awesome, Barack. And, um, Holy target audience. — Cute Overload

Is that, like, the super bowl?: ThinkProgress

Oprah to the rescue: It wasn’t quite a “hanging chad” moment, but Oprah Winfrey stepped in early today to resolve one of the first voting glitches of Super Tuesday. When Rachel Waymire got to her Chicago precinct this morning to vote, she was told that she wouldn’t be able vote because only one of five election judges was present. When Winfrey, who happened to be at the next-door precinct, heard about the problem, the talk show queen and Barack Obama supporter told Waymire she would stay with her until she was allowed to cast her ballot. — ABC News

Bob Dole biffo: Today on Fox and Friends Mitt Romney responded to the Bob Dole/McCain letter, saying, “Well, it’s probably the last person I would have wanted to have write a letter for me.” — RealClearPolitics

Hillary’s scary coughing fit: Just as Mrs. Clinton touted the importance of good health and universal healthcare for America, a scary coughing fit forced the end of a live TV interview on Super Tuesday. Clinton was addressing the nation’s healthcare needs live on San Francisco’s KTVU-TV. The drama comes 48 hours after taping had to be delayed Sunday on ABC This Week, when a Clinton coughing fit alarmed producers. Concerned Host George Stephanopoulos told the senator to get some “tea and lemon”. — The Drudge Report

Mechanical lever, punch card or touch screen?: People in six states will sidle up to a voting machine and register their choices using a touch screen, a set of buttons, or an antiquated mechanical lever — and then they’ll coast on hope. Votes on these systems — paperless machines that produce no human-countable record of the ballot — can never be checked. You’ve just got to pray that no one has hacked something, that every bug has been caught, or that voting officials haven’t made some kind of egregious error. Since we know that such mistakes and attacks are possible, your prayers will be of little comfort.  It’s an absurd, stupid way to vote, but if you were looking for a patch of good news on this very democratic morning, well, look here: Not every Super Tuesday voter will be treated so badly.  — Machinist, Salon

It’s (Always)Time for a Change — ads from the last 50 years: The one thing that never changes in presidential campaigns is the promise of change. In this Damned Spot Classic, David Schwartz of the Museum of the Moving Image shows us how campaign spots dating back 50 years have used the same theme. — Slate Video

All you need is hate: I have been thinking about writing this column for some time, but I have hesitated because of a fear that it would advance the agenda that is its target. That is the agenda of Hillary Clinton-hating. Its existence is hardly news — it is routinely referred to by commentators on the present campaign and it has been documented in essays and books — but the details of it can still startle when you encounter them up close. — Stanley Fish, Think again blog, NY Times

Chelsea Clinton’s revealing email: There’s an e-mail making the rounds this week that looks like it originates with Nicole Davison, a friend of Chelsea Clinton’s, with the subject line “A must read … send to every woman you know …” In the version I got, it looks as if Chelsea forwarded it along. (I called the Clinton campaign to check on this. Waiting to hear back.) The essay is by Robin Morgan, of 1960s and ’70s radical feminist fame.The XX Factor, Slate