Following on from the success that Marvel have had adapting the Stephen King series The Dark Tower and The Stand to comic books over the past few years, they announced over the weekend at the New York Comic Convention that Jeff Lindsay has been signed to write a series of original comics based on his book series Dexter.

The comic series of Dexter will be based off the books and not the TV series, which I understand are quite divergent as of season 2 of the show. As such, I would expect the characters in the comic to look quite different to that of their TV counterparts. Likewise with the various locations and sets featured regularly within the world of Dexter. I understand that these will be entirely new stories and not adaptations of the existing books. There has been no word yet on whether Lindsay will be the sole-writer on the comics, or whether he’ll have a co-writer familiar with the medium assisting him.

For those unfamiliar with the books, this may be quite jarring. For the fans of the character/concept/author, I’d wager that this will be very welcome news.