Kevin Rudd a lousy bet as leader. Those Rudd rumours are here again. And you can bet it’s Kevin’s mates spreading them. His leadership challenge will come in a matter of weeks, we’re told. Maybe just after the ALP is wiped out in Queensland.

Over the weekend, Sydney’s Sun Herald lit the latest grassfire with quotes from “Labor insiders”, while Michelle Grattan fanned the flames with her observation that Rudd is more trusted than Gillard. Today, it’s the Daily Telegraph’s turn to add fuel. — Paul Barry (read the full story here)

Palmer, Twiggy, Rinehart in race for greatness. Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest’s got his eye on a prize bigger than his Pilbara mine: the chance to pip fellow rock kickers Gina Rinehart and Clive Palmer in the race to be labelled one of Australia’s National Living Treasures.

The three miners have been short-listed with 97 other notable Australians for just seven openings in the country’s list of 100 living legends. — The Power Index (read the full story here)

Power Play #15: Get straight to the point. The powerful have an especially gentle way of delivering bad news.

Knowing how to get straight to the point, with tact and without cruelty, is one of the best lessons you can ever learn if you hope to be an all-star in the power stakes. — Rose Herceg (read the full story here)