Forget “clear air” for Julia Gillard, finally the Queensland election can have its time in the sun. And the LNP got in fast with an unusually early campaign launch at the Brisbane Convention Centre yesterday. Complete with nauseatingly sunny theme song, now available via ringtone:

“Come on, come on, let’s make a Can-Do state …

“Come on, come on, we need a Campbell Newman now …

“We need a Can Do Queensland …”

Today in Crikey, Benjamin Law reports from the heart of Can Do Country as he witnesses the adoring crowd “collectively climax” to the sight of a beaming Tony Abbott appearing on stage to introduce the man of the hour, a man currently campaigning on his credentials as Brisbane mayor, given he’s not actually a member of parliament … yet.

The state of Queensland deserves a comprehensive plan for the future: from the opportunities and challenges of the mining boom to the continuing revitalisation of flood and cyclone-hit regional areas to the population explosion in the south-east corner testing creaking infrastructure and threatening the state’s coveted liveability status.

Meanwhile, Kevin from Queensland has gone to ground after taking a devastating battering in last week’s leadership stoush. @KRuddMP hasn’t tweeted since March 2 and, according to Essential Media today, 30% of voters think the newly-minted backbencher should resign now (then again, 29% reckon he should stick around and challenge and 28% think he should just stick around, so safe to say people are thoroughly confused). Either way, Rudd’s certainly not out sizzling sausages for his friend Anna Bligh right now.

Queensland needs a hero … can Can Do, erm, do it?*

*Pls refer to ringtone.