At the RNC president George W Bush gave it all he had, even if he wasn’t really there…

President Bush addresses the crowd at the Republican National Convention via satellite and tells them John McCain should be the next president because he “understands the lessons of 9/11” and what it takes to keep American safe. — YouTube

President Bush’s speech. Thank you, Laura. Good evening. As you know, my duties have me here in Washington tonight to oversee the federal government’s efforts to help citizens recover from Hurricane Gustav. We are thankful that the damage in New Orleans and across the Gulf Coast was less than many had feared.

I commend the governors of Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas for their sure-handed response and seamless coordination with the federal government. I thank all the wonderful volunteers who stepped forward to help their brothers and sisters in need. We know that there is still risk even after the storm has passed. So I ask citizens across the region to listen closely to local officials and follow their instructions before returning to their homes. All of us are keeping the people of the Gulf Coast in our thoughts and our prayers.

As you gather tonight in St. Paul, I want to share some thoughts about our nominee — a great American, and the next president of the United States, John McCain. Before I do so, I want to say hello to two people in the hall with you tonight. I could have no finer examples of character, decency, and integrity than my mom and dad. And I love you a lot.

Read the full speech here.