The stirring continues. The dealings of Julia Gillard back in the 1990s with a former Australian Workers Union official accused of financial impropriety keeps bubbling along as an embarrassment for the government. This morning it was the turn of top rating Sydney breakfast radio announcer Alan Jones. He gave a lengthy background description of the incident involving the disappearance of union funds and then interviewed Michael Smith, dismissed as 2UE afternoon radio host for wanting to raise the matter on his program.

You can listen for yourself here.

This is a story that will not go away.

Here we go again? The financial pundits get nervous when the interest rate on the 10 year debt of a European Government breaks through the 7% level because of what happened to Greece, Ireland and Portugal.

Yesterday the Spanish rate was back over 7% again.

A song of the day.. They might have made a humiliating shambles of Olympic Games security in London but at least the team at GS4 can sing. Goodness me yes. They can sing  G4S Securing your world with gusto.

Join in and at least hum along to this stirring rendition of the G4S company song co-written and performed by Texan musician Jon Christopher Davis.

You love your job and the people too
Making a difference is what you do
Consider all you have at stake
The time is now, don’t make a mistake

‘Cause the enemy prowls, wanting to attack
But we’re on the wall, we’ve got your back
So get out front and take the lead
And be the winner you were born to be


Calling G4S, Protecting the World
G4S, so your dreams can unfurl
24/7 every night and day
Our warriors stand ready so don’t be afraid

Calling G4S, securing your World
G4S, so let your dreams unfurl
We’re guarding you with all our might
Keeping watch throughout the night

Our mission is to maintain the peace
But make no mistake, we’ll face the beast
We’ll back him down, make him run
We’ll never leave our post ’til the job is done



A picture of the day. One for the lovers of sloth and/or teddy bears. From Der Spiegel:

A quote of the day. Paul Krugman on economists and the financial crisis:

“My bottom line is that we as a profession faced the crucial test of our lives — and by and large we failed and continue to fail. It’s not a happy story.

Some news and views noted along the way.