There’s a most intriguing paragraph in the
SMH‘s story today on Macquarie Bank finally getting approval to take on the taxi monopoly. Reports Lisa Murray:

Macquarie, which has been waiting six months for its taxi
service for the disabled to be authorised by the Ministry of Transport, was
told late yesterday of the decision. It is understood a last-minute
intervention by broadcaster Alan Jones worked in Macquarie’s favour.

Yes, folks, this is the Parrot State. It follows
Ross Gittins’ writing on Monday:“I heard a story last week of a certain minister visiting
a feathered pundit in his home to seek approval for a new policy. It got the
thumbs down.”

Well it’s nice to see the Fee Factory has a
friend in the media – aside from those it owns through its own media arm or
course. MacBank continues to cop a hiding from the Murdoch press with the
latest example being the Daily Telegraph‘s campaign over Sydney Airport
rip-offs. There’s just a hint of self-justification in the Terror’s report on the Productivity Commission inquiry into airport pricing announced by the
Federal Government yesterday.

One thing’s for sure – this inquiry will
make Sydney Airport even less popular with its peers around the nation. The people who
dislike Max Moore-Wilton most probably
aren’t the workers he’s sacked but the CEOs of other airports, who have long
been afraid Max the Axe’s hardline attitudes would attract attention.