The new anti porn filter has more than a few problems with it. If you install it on a computer with some type of filter already on it, it stops working. To uninstall it you need a code from the Government, problem is they can’t give it to you because they don’t have the number of the company that made it. Sounds like a pretty effective filter to me…

Can’t criticise Joey. The Andrew Johns story on the website was reported shortly before 5.30am. That story asked for reader comments. Eight were published before 7am. A number of the published stories were critical of the league star, who also happens to be a columnist for that bastion of anti-drugs campaigning, The Daily Telegraph. One of the letters suggested that surely Johns would have to be sacked as a Tele columnist if the Tele was to retain any credibility on its anti-drug stance. But by 7.50am, when the day staff started firing up their workstations, the letters and opportunity to comment on the story were swiftly removed and have not returned by 8.30am.

APEC 1. Regarding police graduates and APEC postings. My nephew just graduated and has been posted to Newtown police station. They have been told they will be dealing with the APEC crowds.

APEC 2. There aren’t enough regular troops available for APEC duty so most of the uniforms will be worn by army reserves who have all been called up for duty. So think twice before making smart remarks to the blokes in fatigues. They might have six weeks training and itchy trigger fingers.