“If you’ve money, it is perfectly easy to give it away. Nothing to be particularly proud of; but it is being involved and knowing what you’re helping and you know, really being committed.”
So said Elisabeth Murdoch. And never a classier dame you’ll find, than the dame who passed away last night at the age of 103.
“Perfectly easy”. It’s a good description.
Today isn’t the day to name and shame the uber-rich who hoard their wealth. But it’s a good time to note they have no greater inspiration than Dame Elisabeth, who spoke against what she saw as society’s growing materialistic streak, and who saw making money as a means to the end of giving much of it back. Who understood the responsibility, the expectation and the reward of philanthropy to those who are very fortune.
That is her legacy. Easy.
I wonder if she died of shame? what do you thing Alan and Tony?