It’s a sorry celebrity story that Sydney tires of at this time of year, yet the saga of who was really driving former judge Marcus Einfeld’s car when the speed camera went off seems to be heading for retirement.

It gained another half-life when a very-Sydney Angela Liati came forward claiming she knew who was behind the wheel. The Terror even managed an interview with her former lover who somewhat doubted Angela’s veracity.

“She likes the limelight and good luck to her,” he said. “She is living in a blissfully idyllic fantasy world”.

The expose of the “Einfeld Defence” – a dead person was driving the car at the time of the offence – has so far resulted in one motorist copping a three-month jail term and another couple receiving community service sentences with more cases pending, including Einfeld’s.

But before we lose interest altogether, I think I’ve discovered another possibility, courtesy of Reuters‘s Berlin bureau.

BERLIN (Reuters) – A 46-year-old German motorist driving along a busy road suddenly veered to the left and ended up stuck on a railway track – because his satellite navigation system told him to, police said Sunday.

The motorist was heading into the north German city of Bremen “when the friendly voice from his satnav told him to turn left,” a spokesman said.

Several German motorists have crashed their cars in recent months, later telling police they were only obeying orders from their satnavs.

See, it wasn’t the dead American academic, or even the mysterious one-armed man – the satnav did it. A free L plate for the first Australian motorist to make that claim to either the police or their insurance company.