Just say no to whaling. Given our PM’s recent backflip on whaling (not a core promise, eh Kevin?) we thought it was timely to wave the flag for the whales. Tim at Heresy Snowboards sent a link to their anti-whaling T-shirt (check it out, very cute). Proceeds to those rascally Sea Shepherds — Heresy Snowboarding

Iguanagate. If you’d been watching George Brandis and Pru Goward on Q&A on Thursday night or Christopher Pyne on Lateline last night, you might have formed the impression that Belinda Neal’s alleged dust up with restaurant staff was Watergate or something. — Larvatus Prodeo

Give us your best Sleeveface. “One or more persons obscuring or augmenting any part of their body or bodies with record sleeve(s) causing an illusion”– Sleeveface

Give us your best O Face. Those scallywags at Gawker answer the question which might not have been on anyone’s mind… what do TV reporters’ faces look like during sex? Funnier than it deserves to be. — Gawker

Have you found a gem of a story or a jawdropping quote on the web? Help your fellow Crikey readers sift the wheat from the internet chaff by sending the link to boss@crikey.com.au with the subject heading “Stuff We Like”.