Most of the Crikey team are back in the bunker today, well rested and ready for an extra big year (keep an eye out for our 15th birthday celebrations next month).

Not all of us survived the break unscathed: journalist Paul Millar deserves props for turning up to work today with not one but two fractured elbows — that’s dedication! We sent him back home — and media reporter Myriam Robin has a bandaged thumb after an unfortunate incident with a car door.

There are a few stragglers who’ll be joining us later in the month, so we’ll be bringing you some Crikey-style summer reading for the next two weeks (we know many of you are still on the beach anyway) and will ramp up our Canberra coverage again in late January.

A lot’s happened since we signed off for 2014. Tony Abbott unveiled his new team on December 21, and Bernard Keane valiantly returned from holidays to bring you his take on the line-up:

“The reshuffle removes the problem of David Johnston and resolves the lingering difficulty caused by Arthur Sinodinos’s dodgy memory and poor judgment at Australian Water Holdings … But the problem of Joe Hockey remains, and that is a problem of greater ongoing concern for the government than a bumbler like Johnston.”

If you missed it you can read it here.

Our aviation reporter Ben Sandilands kept readers up to date on the AirAsia tragedy over at Plane Talking during the break (he has a recap today on the latest theories on why the plane went down).

And Crikey intern Mahalia Dobson has a round-up today of the other big stories you might have missed while in a summer daze.

Got any New Year’s resolutions? Ours is to break at least five big investigative stories by close of 2015. You can hold us to that — and don’t forget to tip us off.

And, we’re off …