Going deep

John Richardson writes: Re. “The year of deep obsessions and the deep state” (December 23). Bravo for saving your absolute best ‘til last. Breathtaking: a true tour de force. Compulsory reading for anyone who might be unaware of just how fragile our liberty really is and how easily we can be beguiled by the perfidy of the most wicked and dangerous in their hunger for high office. And a sobering reminder of just how precarious life has become at the hands of the neo-liberal ideologues from both sides of the power game who would run “Team Australia”.

Right there on my TV

John Kotsopoulos writes: Re. “Is Michelle Guthrie going to sell ads on your ABC?” (December 21). Ads on the ABC?  Do the neocons realise in their rush to circumscribe the ABC by introducing commercial imperatives they risk hitting the advertising revenues of the private media? Probably not. But hey, who cares who suffers when you see a chance to put the bovver boots into a perceived political foe? Political numbskullery at its best.