On BBC2’s Newsnight this week, Alistair Campbell, Tony Blair’s former spokesman, debated The Sun’s Trevor Kavanagh, a former political editor now columnist for the paper, over whether the right-wing papers would present both sides of the Brexit argument fairly or would spin stories to benefit one side.

Kavanagh gives as good as he gets, saying the paper has a long-term view on the issue, informed by the concerns of his readers. Then, at 8.25 minutes in, he’s asked who’ll decide the paper’s editorial stance on the issue.

“Rupert Murdoch,” he answers. Well, at least he’s honest

We could ask the same question about The Australian‘s position on media ownership laws, Peta Credlin’s influence in Canberra, and who should lead the Liberal Party. Who will decide what campaign, group or person The Daily Telegraph should go after next? Who decides the campaigns Australia’s largest media company will pursue in relation to war and peace, foreign affairs, domestic agendas, the rise and fall of governments?

Rupert’s influence spans the globe — and his minions in Australia are as eager as any to do his bidding.