All just a little bit of history repeating

Peter Matters writes: Re. “NSW Labor sets and forgets ‘targets’ on gender equality” (Thursday). The Coalition has a fair chance of losing the election on the basis of their incompetence, rather than the Opposition earning the right to win. As long as Labor is selecting its candidates by ugly faction deals as displayed in NSW — contrary to the guide lines of getting women into parliament — Labor does not deserve to win.

On the US primaries

Leigh Flanigan writes: Re. “Rundle: get used to the idea of President Trump” (Thursday). “The result gave Bernie 73 delegates and Hillary 55. Nevertheless, it was portrayed as a loss for Bernie, because the media is in the tank for Hillary.” Slightly reductive. It was considered a “loss” because big wins in states with small delegate counts aren’t going to help Bernie overtake Clinton, who has a significant delegate lead even without superdelegates. Time is running out. He needs big wins in big states, like Arizona, Washington State, Wisconsin, New York, etc.

On company tax rates as cure-all

Darren Tartis writes: Re. “All hail the economic panacea of company tax cuts” (March 23). Instead of arguing trickle down, why not go for trickle up. Give tax cuts to the low income groups and of their extra spending 30% will go to increased business profit. I am sold!