Stop the toasters

Terry Mills writes: Re. “No TOASTERS” (yesterday). No Toasters at the ABC? Next they will be banning cardigans and sandals! This reminds me of a hotel in Belgium where the buffet breakfast was replete with a variety of breads and conserves. When I asked where the toaster was there was a very firm and stony response : “the bread, sir, is already cooked.”

On the price of milk

Steve Spencer writes: Re. “Kiwis farmers just got a milk price rise — so what’s our farmers’ beef?” (yesterday). Just a note on the above. In Australia, Fonterra’s price agreement with their supply cooperative stipulates they have to match the largest Vic processor, which is MG. Most of our companies are moving to “value add” as is everyone else in dairy — this was the reason for the MG capital raising. Fonterra talk a good game, but given there very seasonal production and investment in large driers they will continue to be in commodities. Local farmgate prices remain above NZ and have been for most of the past decade. Just sayin.