For someone who had been campaigning against a program based on its author and links on a website, you would think Liberal right-wing Senator Cory Bernardi would be more careful about what he links to.

Yesterday Bernardi tweeted a link to an article that he said was “particularly relevant to many Twitter users”. The link was to an article by “neo-masculinist” blogger Roosh V (Daryush Valizadeh) railing against so-called “social justice warriors” — a term used by right-wingers as a slight against people they disagree with. Valizadeh was not granted a visa to visit Australia for a tour of Australia and cancelled his events after comments on his blog, where he appeared to endorse rape on private property, surfaced.

After tweeting the link, Bernardi tweeted saying that just because he linked to Valizadeh, he didn’t necessarily endorse Valizadeh’s views.

Which is interesting considering recently Bernardi waged a campaign on the Safe Schools Coalition based on links on the Safe School Coalition’s website, and also sought to conflate the views of one of the authors of Safe Schools, Roz Ward, with the content of the Safe Schools program:

“They are getting 12-year-olds and sending them to websites, encouraging them to bypass school filters to access websites which link to third-party websites which deliberately encourage them to enter into bondage parties or to visit sex stores. And these people opposite are in denial about it. The author of the Safe Schools program is an avowed Marxist.”