Paging ScoMo

Rex Bevan writes: Re. “Morrison can run but can’t hide from S&P” (yesterday). No government can ever produce a budget surplus while we keep handing out $20 billion a year to rich people via franking credits, for no obvious reason. When will this fundamental fact sink in?

On Wilkieleaks

Wayne Bartlett writes: Re. “So how did Bolt get hold of Wilkie’s top-secret Iraq War doc?” (Friday). The AFP are well within their rights to track do the source of a leak, no matter how much a journo or others think the leak was with the right intentions. The other side though is they may not coerce the press to name source through the instruments of the state such as arrest. That said, there should be a demarcation between the press acting as an instrument of informing the public and the press waging political campaigns such as we see in The Age and Bolt in the Sun.