Time’s a wastin’

Jackie Deacon writes: Re. “Quit stalling: the government can walk and chew gum” (yesterday).  Surely to God a PM who can call for a Royal Commission 12 hours after watching a TV program can get things cracking on this stupid plebiscite, 10 months after getting the top job. Someone should be drafting the wording, so we can all see how it is slanted. I’m hoping that Labor and all the other parties can get some legislation through, to save us all this nonsense. Perhaps Turnbull is hoping so, too.

Richard Jones writes: This Coalition has known since the Abbott days that the plebiscite was to happen this year Brandis is nothing but incompetent if he still hasn’t got the legislation ready to put before parliament. Can’t be that hard. Gosh, yesterday we didn’t know about the horrific abuse in the NT kid’s gaol system, but hey presto! Today we have a Royal Commission. Give me a break!