Crikey writes: Yesterday we said that News Corp CFO Bedi Singh didn’t clarify that the $40 million in cuts to News Corp Australia was in Australian dollars during an earnings call. As News Corp helpfully told us, he did. Our apologies to Singh. 

On Trump

Joe Boswell writes: Re. “Rundle: deafened by the Trump fervour” (yesterday). A few years ago there was an unfortunate far-away country suffering under the ruthless control of a dangerously aggressive and unpredictable demagogue who was a clear threat to his own people, his neighbours and the whole international order, so Australia sent its armed forces to assist in his removal. Judging by today’s news, there’s now another one who really does have weapons of mass destruction. Australia’s military intervention there is surely just a matter of time.

Les Heimann writes: We have exported our last load of fish to the USA and now it is the president. Why are you all so surprised? Of course Bernie would have won. After all he had something to say, and do, on behalf of the under-educated unemployed; those who won the election for the big orange. Thing is this fish swims alone. The ocean is his. He might tell the schools of underfed pilchards he will lead them to the big plankton fields – but he will not. It’s all about him you see. All that’s missing is the carpetbag.

The lesson for Australia must now be heard. It’s about the Aussie battlers, it’s always about the Aussie battlers. Howard knew that and fed them lots. Our conservatives are not about the battlers and they will lose, and soon. But will Labor win? No, not unless they stick up for the battlers, now and always. Otherwise the next election will be full of One Nation-ists and independents. This is a BIG wake up call for our politicians – will they heed it?