On Canberra chaos

Malcolm Weatherup writes: Re. “Rundle: Canberra chaos means Australia will have its own Donald Trump soon enough“(Tuesday)

Sorry, was that Winston Rundle or Guy Churchill penning this piece? “An empty bus pulled up, and Bill Shorten got out … with the entire shadow cabinet following him down the steps.”
Just about all Churchill quote books credit him saying “An empty taxi drove up to 10 Downing Street and out of it stepped Clement Attlee.” Churchill later said he would never speak about Attlee like that, but for biographers, it was too good a line to pass up. A fact to which Mr Rundle attests.

On Peta Credlin

Harold Thorton writes: Re. “Abbott prefect Credlin takes media partisanship to its extreme” (Tuesday)

Paula Matthewson says of Ms Credlin’s remarks “this statement has rocketed to the top of the list of Credlin’s audaciously hypocritical observations since becoming a political player-come-commentator.” I take it she means ‘political player-cum-commentator’, or Lord only knows what she’s talking about.