On ASIC and jail time

John Kotsopoulos writes: Re. “Mayne: the 9 people ASIC has jailed for 10 years or more” (Tuesday)

ASC and its successor ASIC seem to have achieved an excellent result in the jail time they have handed out for corporate crimes. Sentences have often exceeded those given for murder, an indication perhaps of modern day priorities.

May I suggest that lame brains who get caught in obvious scams (50% pa returns and the like) should also be penalised for fostering criminal conduct and thus wasting taxpayers money with their stupidity.

On “Grassroots Greens”

Lee Rhiannon writes: Re. “Are the Greens heading for factional war?” (Tuesday)

In yesterday’s Tips and rumours section under the heading “Greens factions sprout” you wrote that Left Renewal was grouped around me. I would like to clarify that I was not involved in the formation of Left Renewal, I am not a member and have no say in its decision making. Left Renewal is a group of Greens members that act completely independently of myself. I would appreciate it if in the future Crikey covers Greens internal party matters that the same error is not made again.