On the definition of millennial

Meredith Williams writes: Re. “Razer: how the fogies sold millennials a lie, then sold them out” (Tuesday)

According to the “definition” disapproved of by Helen Razer two of my three offspring are “millennials”!! I too abhor the generalisation and objectifying of any arbitrarily defined group and its exploitation by commercial interests. But I think the solution lies in the photograph: just add Vegemite to that smashed avo on paleo toast and all will be well.

On Alan Tudge’s legal privilege claim

Niall Clugston writes: Re. “Tudge’s claim to legal privilege in Andie Fox Centrelink debacle is bollocks” (Tuesday)

Without dismissing the robo-debt scandal, I would like to ask: is Michael Bradley seriously saying that clients waive legal professional privilege if they quote from legal advice? That is an extraordinary legal opinion.