On Turnbull’s climate change policy

Roger Clifton writes: Re. “Turnbull sweats as temperature rises on climate policy” (Friday)

Lawyers of conscience could conduct mock trials of backsliding leaders for crimes against the commons. It would demonstrate that they can be judged, as they will be judged by an incoming generation inheriting the consequences of our neglect.

On the right turning on Duncan Lewis

Heather Lacey writes: Re. “The real reason Abbott, News Corp nut jobs attack ASIO’s approach to Muslim extremism” (Thursday)

Great article. The 2016 Global Terrorist Index says the 5 countries with the highest impact from terrorism are Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Pakistan and Syria. I reckon that FACT destroys Abbott’s argument that it’s all about Muslims reviling Western civilisation. Islamic terrorists target other Muslims much more than they do Westerners. Of course you are right to say that for Abbott now, its currently all about his ongoing and virulent campaign to undermine and destroy Turnbull’s prime ministership. But for Christensen, Bernardi, Bolt, Hanson and their ilk, it’s brazen populism.

Makes one wonder if such people ever have positive thoughts at night as they go to bed. What empty vessels these people are. I would normally just not let such low life bother me but we’ve currently got a rational and reasonable PM and a mostly rational government that gets little credit for consistently beating off these lunatics and their ideas. That’s why I thought your piece so good — it exposes so clearly the brainlessness of the loonie right.

On the 50th anniversary of Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club

John Kotsopoulos writes: Re. “‘Many years from now’: Sgt Pepper’s is not the album you remember” (Friday)

Still amazing after all these years. And to hear the genesis of the songs through out takes is a joy.