On Malcolm Turnbull’s winter break

Barbara Haan writes: Re. “Malcolm Turnbull needs to reconnect with voters. Bill Shorten can show him how” (Wednesday)

Excellent article Paula, thanks. You’ve nailed it when you write “…the PM has squandered the one quality that set him apart from most other politicians — voter confidence in what he stood for and what he would fight for”. Malcolm will only regain the confidence of the voters if he stands up to the climate denialists and insists on a Parliamentary conscience vote for LBGT rights.
It astounds me that Abbott and the right-wing of the Libs think they’re the answer the voters want. Didn’t they get the message last time that no one could stand them?

On Tony Abbott’s vision for Australia

Keith Binns writes: Re. “Abbott’s Australian vision: poorer, hotter, more socialist” (Wednesday)

If Abbott doesn’t grieve and move on, he’ll end up being sectioned. He is becoming increasingly out of touch with reality.