On the challenge to David Gillespie’s eligibility

Steven Westbrook writes: Re. “Labor looks for revenge in Gillespie High Court challenge” (Friday) 

Even if there were a byelection, the seat would be likely filled by either a Coalition candidate or an independent, who would no doubt give a solemn undertaking not do a Rob Oakeshott voting with Labor on confidence and supply. Even with a freak byelection result Turnbull would have a sufficient buffer of independents and third parties likely to not bring down his government. Loss of absolute majority would however mean other legislation would face Senate type negotiation.
If there were a temporary vacancy in the seat prior to the byelection one wonders whether pairing arrangements would apply.

On Turnbull, the least worst option

Keith Binns writes: Re.”Turnbull and the challenge of providing least-worst leadership” (Friday) If Turnbull is our least worst option, then God help us. I look forward to the public anger when the rest of the Reef bleaches and all those jobs go in Queensland. It’s awful that Climate Change is happening faster than, and will be worse than, originally predicted, but it does mean that that the deniers will still be around to feel the heat of their ignorance and greed.

Margaret Handasyde writes: Re.”Turnbull and the challenge of providing least-worst leadership” (Friday)

Just a suggestion — how about a poll of Abbott’s electorate regrading their voting intentions at the next election including attitudes to Equal Marriage.