On Pete Evans

Colin Ross writes: Re. “Razer: Pete Evans releases new wellness ‘doco’ as philosophy and science crumble to low-carb dust” (Thursday)

While sympathising with Helen Razer’s frustration with the nonsense spouted by the Pete Evans’ of this world, it has ever been thus. For thousands of years, humans have worshipped, prayed to, and feared various supernatural deities, without a scintilla of evidence to support their behaviour.  Belief in the supernatural is all around us, even among our friends and relatives, so it is no wonder that “snake oil salesmen” flourish.

On the Murray-Darling basin

John Richardson writes: Re.“If marriage equality doesn’t wreck the government, NBN or Murray-Darling disasters might” (Thursday)

All hat but no paddock Deputy Prime Minister, Federal Water Minister & Leader of the National Party, Barnaby Joyce, reckons that illegally diverting water intended to rejuvenate the health of the Murray Darling Basin to irrigators is no worse than cattle rustling.

As with the NBN, the Murray-Darling and a host of other coalition high crimes have clearly demonstrated, the days when rustlers were certain to face swift and real justice if caught have long past, while these days it seems that the worst that can happen to them is that they just wind-up holding even higher office.