On the inquiry in to CommBank

John Richardson writes: Re. “Commonwealth ‘culture’ inquiry — right idea, wrong inquirer” (Tuesday) 

So, the chair of ComBank, Catherine Livingstone, has acknowledged her bank’s failure in governance and the community’s resultant loss of trust, and has called for advice “on what more” the bank can do.

It’s called “resign”, Catherine: a simple but powerful word that, in the olden days, was directly linked to the notion of real accountability.

On Snowy Hydro 2.0

Laurie Patton, Executive Director, Internet Australia writes: Re: “Clean green Turnbull pumps Snowy Hydro PR back uphill ” (Tuesday) 

It’s worth remembering the history of the original Snowy Mountains scheme. Launched by the Chifley Labor Government, the Snowy was roundly attacked by then Opposition Leader Robert Menzies. However, on becoming prime minister, Menzies recognised the importance of the Snowy – happily opening dams and generally ensuring the project was completed as planned. It’s a shame the same approach hasn’t been taken to the NBN.

Instead NBN Co is mired in controversy, with increasing customer complaints, a mounting debt current revenues cannot repay, and the inevitable need for whoever is in office in 2020 to start planning for the replacement of the 40 percent of premises stuck with inferior FTTN technology relying on ageing copper wires. Internet Australia has called for a bipartisan rethink and urges both sides of politics to agree on a way forward leading to better broadband.