On Turnbull’s war on capitalism

Barry Welch writes: Re.”Rundle: venceremos, comrade! Turnbull goes to war against capitalism.” (Wednesday)

Malcolm Turnbull is embracing coal fired power stations purportedly to provide electricity which will power those air conditioners and pool filters so necessary to keep us comfortable in a time of global warming caused by — you guessed it-coal fired power stations.

Will someone connect the dots for Malcolm!

On foreign students

Peter Love writes: Re. “China crisis: Australia hurtles blindly toward an immigration calamity“(Wednesday)

What is your solution to this perceived problem, Michael? Scrap business and student visas?

There are a lot of Chinese students here, but that is to be expected (and welcomed?); Canada, NZ, USA are all experiencing the same phenomenon. Those who have changed status to resident have done so legally, as for other nationalities.

Abuse of the business program is monitored, and we need a bit of perspective anyway. If there are annually about 800 Chinese citizens who enter under Business Investment categories, your 5% comes to 40 persons. If another 40 actually do create substantial investment/employment, the overall program is a success.