On the death of neoliberalism in Australia

John Kotsopoulos writes: Re. “Australian neoliberalism meets its conqueror: electricity” (Monday)

Reading Bernard Keane’s excellent piece the old adage “be careful what you wish for” comes to mind.  I’ll give you another (newer) one: “The ‘free market is only free to those in a position to exploit it.” 
Unfortunately Australian voters have very short memories. They regularly elect politicians who represent the fiscally and socially irresponsible elements  of society that have given us every recession and depression since the Dutch Tulip Crisis.

On Gerard Henderson

Jock Webb writes: Re. Gerard Henderson responds to Guy Rundle” (Tuesday)

I do wish Gerard Henderson would accept that he is an irrelevance. Guy Rundle overdoes it a bit, but Marxist? Fair Dinkum!  Gerard I almost stopped buying the Sydney Morning Herald on the days you wrote because of the bias and poor logic. Save it for the Sydney Institute or the Institute of Public Affairs, mate.They care, in a way I suspect Crikey readers do not.

Barry Welch writes: Re. “Gerard Henderson responds to Guy Rundle” (Tuesday)

On Insiders, Gerard Henderson frothed at the mouth at Karen Middleton writing in The Saturday Paper that George Pell was Tony Abbott’s confessor. However, it was Abbott himself who said to Tony Jones, on 30 September 2004, when asked what he had discussed in a meeting with Pell:  “Well ,Tony,I may well have been going to confession to Cardinal Pell, I may have been seeking counselling from Cardinal Pell. What’s so sinister about that? Cardinal Pell is one of the greatest churchmen that Australia has seen. I am a very imperfect Catholic. Why shouldn’t I go and seek counsel?”