On foreign influence on Australia
Barry Welch writes: Re. “Turnbull chooses his moment over espionage and donation laws“(Tuesday)
So now we can expect the Australian government to deal with the activities of that American agent of influence, Rupert Murdoch, a close friend of the American President ,who relentlessly uses his media assets in Australia to influence our politics and determine the outcome of federal and state elections. I am not holding my breath.
Greg Poropat writes: Re. “Turnbull chooses his moment over espionage and donation laws“(Tuesday)
Ah so! And now for the “You can’t participate in the Aussie political process if you don’t list the foreign influences on you and if you don’t register them it’s the slammer for you” jihad. I can’t wait to see which of News Corporation’s employees register their roles on behalf of Regent Rupert. And what will be made of the next time our Prime Minister breaks bread with Rupert and predictably refuses to reveal the content of his talks with him? Just how different would that be from a backyard chat sans mobile phones?
Groupthink Abounds..
Guy – Thank you for speaking up. While I still admire Fran Kelly, I also suspect that this is further pressure placed on RN by Michelle Guthrie, who is doing a perfect job for the government who hired her. You did warn us that the ABC was under attack. Now, their radio is interspersed with endlessly repeated promo’s of Programs and “Ap’s”, at intervals mimicking advertising. One suspects the (unthinkable) switch to commercial advertising could be achieved. As Crikey is Media media, I would like to see more reporting on this. Someone has to..
Roger Kelly
Greg Poropat: It’s not a jihad Greg. There’s an unfortunate habit in our media of using “jihad” as an epithet for a compaign the writer doesn’t like, probably fuelled by the use of the word by Middle Eastern political extremists who misuse the word for their campaigns. The “You can’t participate in the Aussie political process if you don’t list the foreign influences on you and if you don’t register them it’s the slammer for you” campaign (congratulations on the apt title) is a crusade, not a jihad.
What’s the difference between a crusade and a jihad?
One used a broadsword and the other a scimitar?