On Sam Dastyari’s downfall
Edward Zakrzewski writes: Re. “Dastyari’s inevitable downfall and the case for a federal ICAC” (Tuesday)
Does anyone know who bugged his phone or who released the tape? Will the AFP raid any offices of the Coalition to discover the source of the leak and will the media be told in advance? Most importantly, what other politicians are having their phone conversations tapped for future release. I suggest we have another postal plebiscite to see if we prefer to be on the side of the US or China in any future possible conflict.
Peter Wotton writes: Re. “Dastyari’s inevitable downfall and the case for a federal ICAC” (Tuesday)
Was Dastyari guilty of any criminal act? Did he take a $8000,000 pa job having been a minister in the area? Was he the only pollie to accept a benefit from the Chinese? Did the PM also entertain the Chinese business man? Why did the old story about the senator surface just now? Who leaked the story?
Judging from the number of typos in today’s edition it seems that Crikey is already being run by a skeletal staff – ahead of how long a hiatus for summer?
Dastyari’s ‘story’ could only have been leaked by:- ASIO, the CIA; George Brandis; Malcolm Turnbull; Mr Zhou, Mr Huang or any combination of these
I know it, all of the above know it, you know it. But what can we do about it? Politicians lie. That’s the state of our democracy before it descends, to what?
People bleating about Sam Dastyari continuing to be paid until his resignation takes effect should think about Barnaby Joyce receiving a parliamentary salary for the twelve years he sat in the House whilst being ineligible to do so.
Kathleen Delaney
I think it is interesting how the odiousness of universal surveillance and the internet data retention regime has been inverted to a cry of “how treasonous, he warned someone else that he was possibly being bugged.”