On Eaten Fish

Meredith Williams writes:  Re. “Eaten Fish’s new home” (Tuesday)

Thank you so much for your update on the whereabouts and well-being of Eaten Fish. I hope that before long Crikey will be able to publish some of his work — a great cartoonist, a damaged but resilient refugee, and an amazing human being who has endured so much for the fear-mongering and posturing of our federal politicians. 

Meanwhile, it seems that around 30 refugees who have suffered gang violence in El Salvador are on their way to Australia. This should be good news, but no doubt our Minister for Immigration and National Xenophobia will get onto the case to forestall what he will claim is an outrageous threat to our sovereignty. Dutton-speak will maintain that if this is allowed to occur, in no time at all a surge of infiltrators will be making their way to El Salvador to be beaten up by gangs so they can come to our homeland via a backdoor route. Think I’m joking? Just wait and see.

On animal welfare

Andy Lee writes: Re.”Australia’s animal welfare process is broken and corrupted“(Tuesday)

I have been infuriated by the callousness of the LNP — and most people in general — on this topic so often that this news just leaves me with sick resignation now more than anything else. I keep giving to animal welfare, but you had better believe it’s a losing battle.

Thanks for the piece anyway, Bernard. It’s objective, and hopefully will turn a few heads.