On the decade since the Apology

Meredith Williams writes: Re. “Ten years on, the promise of the Apology is a lie” (Monday)

The key to improved outcomes for Australia’s First Peoples is to close the gap between what we say and what we do, and between outward sentiment and actual intention. The slogan “always was, always will be”, so visible in recent Australia Day rallies, presents an obvious starting point.

If we are serious about acknowledging Indigenous presence and ownership, and about turning the tide of indigenous disadvantage, then we later-comers need to “pay the rent”. To that end, how about a sensible debate around the introduction of something like the Medicare levy, its distribution and allocation, for the recompense and benefit of First Peoples?

Zut Alors writes: Re. “Ten years on, the promise of the Apology is a lie” (Monday)

Excluding Rudd’s sincere and heartfelt apology, have these apology events since morphed into political opportunities for Prime Ministers?

Turnbull is planning one for the victims of institutional sexual abuse despite being a member of a Coalition which resisted a Royal Commission despite victims bravely coming forward during the Howard/Abbott years. Gillard had the humanity to announce the Royal Commission – ironic really, as she was criticised for being “barren” & likely indifferent to the best interests of children.

Unfortunately, Aboriginal communities will suffer until a truly benevolent PM is elected, one who prioritises social policies. The current one hasn’t a clue.