On the possibility of a reset for Turnbull

Marcus Hicks writes: Re. “Getting rid of Barnaby could spark a Turnbull turnaround” (Wednesday) 

Dead wrong, Bernard. Maybe if he had acted decisively the minute the “jobs for the mistress” issue was first known about, then he might have come across as a strong leader. Instead, his mealy mouthed, semantic nonsense about when Joyce’s mistress was officially his “partner” is turning this debacle into a repeat of the Bronwyn Bishop or Godwin Grech debacles. I expect that Malcontent’s personal standing will start heading towards the same territory the Coalition languishes in in the polls.

Di Keller writes: Re. “Getting rid of Barnaby could spark a Turnbull turnaround” (Wednesday) 

Turnbull is totally disgusting, with or without Barnaby Joyce. Everytime we say it couldn’t get any worse, it does! His levels of incompetence are how we got to this place. He couldn’t govern effectively. Julia Gillard had worse enemies inside and outside — Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott —  but she still governed effectively even if it was a her own expense. The difference she wanted to govern for us, he is all about Malcolm Turnbull.