On the bombs set to destory Barnaby Joyce

DF writes: Re. “Which one of Barnaby’s ticking time bombs will claim him first?

Let’s see if Penny Wong is up to the investigative standards of John Faulkner and Robert Ray at Senate Estimates next week. The relevant agencies (Finance and whoever handles security for MPs) should be collating all the info on travel and security arrangements for Joyce and Campion over the last 12-18 months but I’ll bet they take all those questions on notice (QON). QONs are a safety net for witnesses appearing before Estimates Committees. Taking a Question on Notice means that whatever answer is ultimately provided will have been vetted and approved by the Minister’s office, so the bureaucrat can’t be blamed.

On the ABC

John Kotsopoulos writes: Re. “ABC are not the primary villains in the Alberici saga” (Tuesday)

Alex Anderson is absolutely correct in his condemnation of the ABC’s capitulation over Emma Alberici’s piece on company tax.  This follows a disturbing pattern. In recent times we have seen a cut and paste of a Government media release boasting of economic good news which was calculated to deceive and defamatory claims against Kevin Rudd in relation to the Home Insulation scheme.

Cosying up to a failing Government with an election looming  is very short term thinking folks.