On Barnaby Joyce

Peter Kemp writes: Re. “Crikey Worm: Barnaby says rent-free apartment not a ‘palace’” (Thursday)

Employment, presumably complete with maternity leave, was provided to Barnaby Joyce’s pregnant girlfriend. They lived rent free in a “mate’s” apartment. These are serious issues that could indicate corrupt activity by a high government officer. So what happens? The spin doctors get to work to ensure sex, scandal and stupidity are the only things discussed. The people involved would put their hand up to anything to avoid the taint of corruption. How can anyone pretend to act in the interest of electors when they cant even get their own snout out of the trough.

On the ABC

Leon Knight writes: Re. “ ‘The worst couple of weeks in the ABC’s modern era’” (Wednesday)

Good to hear that the journalists still have some faith left in the value of their work…this is outrageous abuse of power by the LNP and should rightfully see them booted from power for a very long time.
The Murdoch plants in ABC management have to be weeded out and never allowed back.