On the ABC in senate estimates and sexism in Australian music
Leon Knight writes: Re. “The ABC didn’t always treat reporters like this” (Wednesday)
I have some faith that Labor will repair this damage to our ABC in particular, and our democracy in general, soon enough. Hopefully the current anti-democratic rabble will not get another go for decades.
Craig Lawton writes: Re.”The reluctant revolutionaries of the Australian music’s #metoo movement” (Tuesday)
Re: men not contributing. I speculate men perceive having three options:
1) Support #metoo conversations as they arise but add no original thoughts. Risk level: low. Value: not sure.
2) Share personal experiences and insights. Risk level: potentially high, offend enough people equals unlimited downside. Eg. that Google guy.
3) Stay quiet.
Disclaimer: This is my meta explanation. Don’t read any personal opinions about #metoo into this.
with the black prince Rupert, at age 87 and seemingly on his deathbed, it seems that there may dramatic changes about to happen in the media world, its doubtful if the younger Murdoch will have the same death grip on news limited as the share holders will likely have a good clean out post the black prince to try and recover the middle of the road political class that Rupert has driven away, this will mean the Guthrie s,devines, jones,hadley`s, bolts and their like will be cast adrift as other media operators realises what a drag on sales these redneck extreme right wing nutters are, the incoming labor government must also put the broom through all the government agency`s and restore the balance both economically and politically by sending all the neanderthals back to their caves as quick as possible
I am constantly amazed by those who imagine that bumBoil Shlernt would even understand the need to radically revise/reverse so much of the crap showered upon us in the last 4+years.
On the off chance that he could grasp such a concept, there is no prospect whatsoever of his doing owt but continue the decline.
It is what he is – a hole in the air.
Actually Craig Lawton, option 1) Support #metoo conversations as they arise but add no original thoughts – ie mostly just listening, taking an interest in women’s experiences while not feeling the need to make the conversation all about your own opinions and ideas, would be of high value to many women I suspect.