On the ABC in senate estimates and sexism in Australian music

Leon Knight writes: Re. “The ABC didn’t always treat reporters like this” (Wednesday)

I have some faith that Labor will repair this damage to our ABC in particular, and our democracy in general, soon enough. Hopefully the current anti-democratic rabble will not get another go for decades.

Craig Lawton writes: Re.”The reluctant revolutionaries of the Australian music’s #metoo movement” (Tuesday)

Re: men not contributing. I speculate men perceive having three options:
1) Support #metoo conversations as they arise but add no original thoughts. Risk level: low. Value: not sure.
2) Share personal experiences and insights. Risk level: potentially high, offend enough people equals unlimited downside. Eg. that Google guy.
3) Stay quiet.

Disclaimer: This is my meta explanation. Don’t read any personal opinions about #metoo into this.