On Turnbull’s super investments
Zut Alors writes: Re.”Turnbull lures Trump with Aussie retirement savings — but would it be a win for Australians?” (Wednesday)
“Airports are not built every day, and particularly not in industrialised nations. When the world’s largest developed economy has a crumbling infrastructure network in need of a cash injection, Australian investment managers spy opportunities.”
Where were these canny managers when Toowoomba’s Wellcamp Airport was being built in 2013, privately funded by the Wagner family at a cost in excess of $100 million?
On News Corp v Tingle
Brian Crooks writes: Re. “How can News Corp point the finger at Tingle?” (Wednesday)
I don’t take any notice of News Corp, voters don’t take any notice of News Corp, only poor Trumble takes notice, he gets a cold shiver up where is spine should be every time Rupert shouts at him. News corpse, yesterday news, nobody buys their rags, they have to give them away at McDonalds to try and to keep circulation from disappearing altogether.
I don’t buy Newscorpse publications but have been known to accept a copy of The Australian given away free to airline passengers. Why would anyone take notice of their standard character assassinations when everyone knows that’s one of The Australian ‘s worst faults?